Make Android-Based Learning Media (part 4)

Tutorial on how to create media-based learning android with Construct 2 is a continuation of the previous tutorial. We will reuse the software maker HTML5-based games or applications that are specific to this 2D platform. Software developed by Scirra is not a specific programming language, because all of the commands used in the game is set in EvenSheet consisting of the Event and Action. Thus, to develop games or applications with Construct 2 we do not need to master the difficult programming language. Project of Construct 2 can also be run on a computer or laptop via the browser before export to APK.
In the tutorial section 3 has discussed the steps for adding media to the layout and eventsheet for the material, exercises and evaluation. Navigation buttons also be inserted in the layout "Menu". This tutorial is Part 4 will discuss the next steps in pembuatanmedia android based learning.
The buttons that are already inserted need to enable to allow a user or users to navigate media, namely the function switch from one layout to another layout. The navigation function can be enabled in the following way.
First, right click on the layout menu, and then select Insert new object.

Once the window appears Insert new object, please select Touch
Second, double-click on Evensheet "Menu" so it appears as follows
Click on "Add event" to give the event or command on this Eventsheet. If your steps correctly it will pop up a window Add Event, please select the "Touch" and then select "touched on object".
Then select the object that we will use as a navigation button, in this tutorial button in question is Tombol_Materi, Tombol_Latihan, and Tombol_Evaluasi. We start from Tombol_Materi first.
If your steps correctly it will appear as follows.
Click Add action on the event and select System. Then select Go to layout. Selanjutnyapilih Layout "Materials".
In the same way give the navigation keys and buttons Evaluation exercises so that in the event sheet "Menu", there are three events as follows.
The meaning of the event, namely, (1) when Tombol_Materi on a layout "Menu" is touched it will switch to Layout "Materials", (2) when Tombol_Latihan on a layout "Menu" is touched it will switch to Layout "Exercise", and (3) when Tombol_Evaluasi on a layout "Menu" is touched it will switch to layout "Evaluation".



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